Britt’s 8th Birthday Letter {From Daddy}
8 years old! That is crazy. You are so grown.
Most people would say it seems like just yesterday you were born, but honestly it feels like a lifetime ago.
Yet it still feels like it has flown by. It is a weird feeling. You should not be this old.
Well let me say, you are an amazing daughter!
You are loving, sweet, infectious, and sometimes a little dramatic.
It has been a BIG year for you. You have grown so much.
This is definitely the year that I look at you a little differently.
I feel like you have grown out of being my sweet little girl.
It has really been too fast. You seem so much older this year. You have grown up in a lot of ways.
You have definitely shown me you can have great drive for something you want.
You have shown that with Gymnastics.
Gymnastics has been a huge growing experience for you.
I think you even surprised yourself a little.
You work so hard at it. It is amazing to watch
I love your concentration face.
I can see your mind working through what your about to do.
It really reminds me of when I played sports.
I can see the focus and I love it. It has also made you so strong.
You are very thin, and it surprised me how much stronger you have become.
I love talking with you about the next move you are working on, or seeing how excited you get when you accomplish it.
It will be a huge help for you in life to learn to set goals and then strive to accomplish them.
My favorite thing about you, is how fun you make everything we do.
When we go on a family trip or just have a movie night you get so pumped.
It makes some of the simplest things we do more fun.
I love sharing new experiences with you because I know you will be amazed at whatever we do.
You love surprises and we love surprising you.
Your reactions make us feel appreciated.
You even have tried to get into watching football games with me.
It is really sweet.
I am not sure how much you actually like watching, but I know you want to be around me. It warms my heart.
My favorite memories with you from this past year are our 1 on 1 time at Disney.
With 4 kids, and 1 being a baby, it is difficult to get that time.
A few years back we started doing 1 on 1 bday stuff at Disney.
I get to give you all my attention. I get to watch all your reactions.
I learn so many things about you and I soak it all in.
I hope when you look back at these moments you will cherish them as much as I do.
And last, I love when you are sweet.
You will crawl in my lap at church and just sit.
You will come to me on the coach just for a hug.
Even when you are busy playing, you will stop to let me know.
You will look me in the eyes and say “I love you so much daddy”.
I can see the love you have for me in your smile, and I hope that never changes.
I hope that when I am an old man, you will not hesitate to sit with me just to tell me you love me for a moment and give me a hug.
It is one of the best feelings in the world.
I love you so so much. You always be my sweet Brittlynn, no matter how old you get.
Happy Bday,
You can see Zach’s other letters to Britt here:
And you can read my 8th birthday letter to Britt here 🙂
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025