If you’d like to know how you can write a special Happy 8th Birthday, Daughter letter, this post will give you a good place to start.
Birthday letters are a super special way to give your child a meaningful gift that they can appreciate more and more as time goes on… and express your love for them in words!
Not everybody is great at expressing themselves with words, but sometimes it’s easier to write things down instead of trying to say them. Plus, your child may not remember what you said (even if they appreciated it!) but they can always reread a letter. That’s what makes them such valuable keepsakes!
My birthday letters to my children vary depending on the year, but more or less you’ll find these same elements in all of them:
- A recap of the year and their achievements, in and out of school
- My favorites things about them
- How their relationships with parents, siblings, and friends have grown
- Of course, lots of love!
On each of my kids’ eighteenth birthdays, I plan on making a book of all the birthday letters their father and I have written to them over the years and giving it to them as a gift!
As they enter adulthood (and possibly go off to college… hopefully not too far away!) I hope those letters can serve as a keepsake of their childhood and a reminder of how much their family loves them!
This is a copy of the letter to my 8 year old daughter on her birthday, written by her mama, me! You are more than welcome to use this as inspiration or as a template for your own Happy 8th birthday letter to your daughter.
Britt’s Happy 8th Birthday, Daughter Letter {From Mommy}
Dear Britt,
Here we are – you are EIGHT.
You embrace each year so beautifully and I know this will be another amazing year together with you.
I cannot believe how much you have grown and changed this year.
People at school often say you look like a fourth grader and you truly do look years older than you are and I want you to know that even though you make look older…there is NO RUSH on growing up!
I love, love, LOVE this stage of life with you.
You gave me a huge gift this year and it’s one you have no idea you’ve even given me.
At 8 years old you love looking like Mommy. You say all the time that you want to be JUST like me when you grow up.
And my darling girl those words mean the world.
The way you look up to me is the “proof” I’ve needed for so long – the evidence that I’m doing a pretty good job at this whole mama gig 😉
You love our time together. You are eager for the fun to come when you’re an adult and we can be best friends.
And that’s my wish my sweet girl.
I want to be the kind of mom you always look up to. Always want to befriend. Always admire.
It is truly a gift to be your mom.
I tell you just about every night (which you remind me is too often ha!) just how special you are to me.
I always dreamed of having a daughter and you fulfilled that desire in my heart!
I love the way you challenge me and help me be a better mom, push me to learn the best ways to parent the unique individual you are.
As you get older we connect more and more and I love the deeper bond we are forming together (even if you don’t “think deep thoughts” like you say!).
You have really blossomed this year.
You LOVE gymnastics and have entered the advanced level. The coaches keep begging you to go out for team but you are very decisive and sure of your decision to stay where you are right now.
Team is a huge commitment and you have let us know that you don’t want gymnastics to be your all day every day focus.
I LOVE that about you.
Where I’m very indecisive, you are very sure.
You know what you love. You know your passion. And you know what you want to do and don’t need a bunch of opinions to be sure of it!
You are doing excellent in second grade and continue to be a friend to all.
I have loved going on field trips with you and seeing the interactions you have with your peers.
I hear from boy moms that their sons have literally lost friendships over their little crushes on you and from girl moms that their daughters say you are their best friend.
I always want you to use your “power” of being a people magnet for good. You have SUCH a gift in your social skills and with that talent comes a lot of responsibility as well.
People are naturally drawn to you and you can have a huge impact on the world in your ability to lead others to the Lord.
But just as much as God can help you use it to glorify Him, it will always be a temptation to be a storm cloud rather than a light.
You do such a great job fighting that. A natural pessimist you have worked to see the positive side of things and to focus on the good in situations.
A big thing we focused on this year was gratitude and I truly think spending time journaling things you are thankful for as well as studying God’s Word has helped you in this area.
And you have inspired ME to be more committed in these daily practices too!
I also see an impact in your relationships with your siblings.
It is hard with three big kids always competing for attention from each other and a lot of the time you do tend to struggle as Kye and Tess have similar personalities.
I love that you WANT a close bond with both of them and that you are learning how to navigate those relationships to have positive interactions when playing together.
We had SUCH a fun year together!
You are so fun to do things for, give gifts to and share experiences with.
You are always so, so appreciative and just truly excited for everything!
I was so proud of how you embraced skiing – you are brave and love adventure.
I loved introducing you to Harry Potter (and your now British accent) and you were incredible on our Universal trip when others got sick you pushed through and made the trip special.
You are my Disney BFF and I LOVE visiting the parks with you!
The way you hug (and kiss!) the characters is so precious and you truly just light up at the parks and always say you never want to leave.
I know I can always count on you to open and close the parks with me!
I am so excited for the year ahead with you!
Your favorite thing this year was spending girl time together.
Shopping, dates, trips…you LOVE time with your mama and sister and I’m all about it!
I’m hoping for lots more quality time with my biggest girl as an 8 year old!
I am excited for the adventures to come and to see you continue to grow, learn and shine in all that you do!
I am so proud of how awesome you have done in 2nd grade.
You struggled a bit with learning to enjoy reading but now that you do, you have turned into another little reader just like Kye and always ask how long you can read before bed each night.
You love learning and consider it an honor to be the teacher’s pet.
You’ve excelled in the gifted program and are much more quiet and reserved in the classroom seating than you are at home – it’s crazy you are so different!
I am truly so excited to see who you grow to be in adulthood.
Right now you love baking and say that your plan is to teach gymnastics until you have a baby in your belly and then you want to stay home and bake for extra money and to give to the homeless.
You want to have a life just like ours – four kids too!
I am living my dream and if it’s yours then I know it’ll all happen for you too sweet girl!
Before I know it you will be taller than me but no matter what you will always, always be my little girl.
I am always proud of you and thankful for the gift to be your mom.
I’m always here for you.
I know sometimes you will disappoint me but never let that keep you from sharing your heart with me. I’m here to listen and to love.
No matter WHAT. I am your mama and will be forever and ever and ever!
Happy 8th Birthday my Brittlynn!
You are my sunshine now and forever!
I love you,
Final Thoughts
And that concludes this Happy 8th Birthday, Daughter letter! I hope you enjoyed it. If you’d like more birthday letter inspiration, here are all of the past birthday letters to Britt:
- Seventh Birthday
- Sixth Birthday
- Fifth Birthday
- Fourth Birthday
- Third Birthday
- Second Birthday
- First Birthday
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025