Britt’s 8th Disney Birthday: DHS and Frozen 2
When mapping out plans for our trip I really like for the birthday child to be able to have a little time at all four parks during their trip…if it works out.
And for Britt? It did!
Everyone agreed we all wanted to take G-Mama to visit Galaxy’s Edge at Hollywood Studios and for her to have the chance to ride Smugglers Run.
We haven’t tried to get to Smuggler’s Run on a regular park day visit yet because we were able to be part of the pass holder preview event back in August.
Now that Zach has the DAS pass (and Mrs Charlotte gets one as well) it makes big ticket rides MUCH more manageable.
We arrived to the park about an hour early and then Zach ran straight to Galaxy’s Edge to get the passes and we had a return time of 9:30 which wasn’t bad at all!
The rest of us went over to Slinky Dog which wasn’t crazy insane either.
Alien Saucers had no wait (per usual) so Zach checked Spear’s height and HE COULD RIDE!
We were all so pumped!!!
Zach and I rode with him and it was funny because we both couldn’t look at him b/c it made us feel sick to have the ride spinning and be looking down – so hopefully he liked it ha!
We had a fastpass for Toy Story Mania and I got to ride with Kye which was a special treat!
It really works out SO great having G-Mama with us at the parks, it’s so fun for the kids to show her things and for her to experience that Disney Joy with them and it allows us all to shuffle around who we sit with on rides to get to mix things up a bit!
It was so funny how Kye and I had the SAME exact score at one point in the game (no worries, I totally beat him…and then, of course, Zach beat us all).
Once we finished up in Toy Story Land we went through the back entrance to Galaxy’s Edge and Zach was so cute and wanted to go through the land to the main entrance to let Mrs Charlotte see the whole effect.
I know I keep saying this but man yall it was just NOT that crowded!
We felt super chill as we explored a bit and then traded off riding Smugglers Run.
Tess was one of the pilots when Mrs Charlotte rode it and apparently it was quite a hilarious situation as you can imagine!
I took Spear to walk around a bit as I had one Christmas gift I needed to buy 😉
Yall he was SO stinking cute in his little Darth Vader pjs/outfit.
I LOVE these pictures and everyone that saw him kept commenting on how cute he was, even the storm troopers couldn’t stay away 😉
Cutest ruler of the Empire ever 😉
Scared of Santa and Winnie the Pooh…loves Storm Troopers.
It was my turn to get to ride with the kids and G-Mama so Daddy took over with Spear and happened to run into some of our Aflac family! So fun running into people at Disney 🙂
This time Kye and Britt did the piloting and it was a pretty smooth ride…I was a gunner for the first time and def felt a bit more sick than I do as the engineer. But not bad enough where I wouldn’t ride again either.
We hadn’t been in the restaurant at Galaxy’s Edge yet so we headed in to have a break and a G-Mama snack 😉
We also tried to decide what to do next.
I mean it was only like 10:30 and we were DONE with everything we’d wanted to do that day!
So we decided to go ahead and leave the park and just take our time heading out to be able to see all the Star Wars details of Batuu 🙂
We walked through and had some popcorn and did some browsing and then headed to exit the park.
On our way out we stopped in so Britt could spend her remaining $8 left on her gift card.
She was able to get a cute pack of bracelets. So she ended up with 5 things with a $50 gift card which is pretty dang awesome considering Disney pricing (annual pass holder discount for the win!).
We had told the kids if we went ahead and left that we’d get back to the Disney House in time to eat lunch and watch The Mandalorian but as we were exiting a thought hit me…it was the PERFECT time to check out the new Skyliner!
We went and asked and it takes about 8 minutes total to just ride it to the first stop and back to Hollywood Studios. Not bad at all for the experience!
Zach ran all our stuff to the car (perk of G-Mama having that handicap pass…it’s super sucky that she and Zach have rheumatoid and MS so you gotta embrace the very few perks that come with a life altering, life long disease, right?) and then we went for our first Skyliner ride!!!
I had heard that if you are prone to motion sickness that you might feel queasy riding the Skyliner so I made sure to sit facing forward and I was fine!
It is continuously moving which kinda stresses me out with the enter and exit moments (fun fact: I LOATHE escalators).
There is also a moment at “take off” that will make you unsteady but otherwise it was VERY smooth and super fun with great views!
It’s also super nice that it’s private. Just us. Not a bunch of people crammed together like the monorail!
We don’t really have reasons to ride it often but it was super fun and something we can check off the list 😉
We still were able to get back to the house in plenty of time for lunch + Mandalorian and NAPS!
SUCH a fun CHILL morning and gah THE prettiest weather. Disney at Thanksgiving might just be my fav time!
Our elves ate too much at Thanksgiving too 😉
Everyone napped and rested and did their online shopping 😉
Then it was time for another not-so-surprising birthday surprise!
We went to see Frozen 2 at Disney Springs! Whoop Whoop!
We are slowly learning the ropes with this whole AMC Dine-in situation…in October Zach and I went on a date and literally spent $100. Just for our tickets and meal during the movie!
This time?
We booked the cheapest theater – still way nicer seats than we have at home but NOT the actual dine-in section and no fancy bells and whistles.
We brought food for Spear and picked up candy items at Walgreens on the way to bring in with us.
We them just bought food from the concession area. They still have LOTS of “real food” options and they are super yummy (my pretzel bites were legit).
Everyone got what they wanted (Kye got pizza and an icee even) and total for SEVEN people to see the movie and eat dinner was only $110. So just $10 more than when just TWO people went to the dine-in one.
Still not cheap. Def not cheap. Although cheaper than a character meal so I guess I should look at it that way 😉
Not gonna lie…I was really nervous about Spear in the movie. I wanted to legit SEE the movie and not have to handle him the whole time.
Well. Sometimes being the less favored parent has it’s advantages. 😉
Spear sat GREAT for the previews and the initial start of the movie but then he was all over the place.
The man in front of us was bald and Spear was obsessed with trying to touch his head haha
Food didn’t get him to sit still so Zach took him to leave the theater and realized that if he sat on the floor with him that Spear would sit just fine!
I felt bad that Zach sat on the floor the entire movie but no WAY would Spear have sat like that for me (he is a DADDY’S BOY) and Spear legit watched the whole thing!!!
We think there were too many distractions in the seat and that sitting secluded was much better for him to focus and pay attention and relax!
We all LOVED the movie. I was excited with how much Kye even loved it.
Olaf was funnier in this one than the first one and the music is, again, phenomenal.
Christof’s character was the BEST. Def the most depth to any male cartoon character! He was great in showing that men have feelings and can do more than just jump in to save the day 🙂
The next morning we woke up to our elves having taken Stitch captive to prevent him from wrecking havoc in the house 😉
Another day of wonderful memory making!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025