Saturday, Feb 9th was one of those super-full-crazy type days. We had a LOT of plans. Zach and Kye planned on going to Lowe’s that morning while Britt napped and I got ready then Kye and I had Lorelai’s birthday party at lunch time and we were letting him skip nap to attend it and then he and I were rushing to a second birthday party that afternoon then rushing back home to get pics of Zach and Britt prior to them attending the Father/Daughter dance that evening. Whew. I’m exhausted just remembering it!
So, as so often happens when we have a TON going on, plans got a little messy. I was running around getting ready when Zach and Kye walked in the door from Lowe’s and told me a lovely story about my car. They had taken my car that morning with Big Daddy’s trailer attached to get some wood and other bigger items. They hit up Habitat For Humanity on their way to Lowe’s and somehow hit a big bump or something that caused the trailer to come unattached and hit my car in two places as well as end up hitting a building. Thank GOD no one was hurt. If someone had been hurt I probably wouldn’t have reacted as angry as I did. But I was pretty ticked. I mean it happened to my car and that was frustrating…seeing the damage it did wasn’t too wonderful either. I told Zach next time (which hopefully there won’t be one…) he should call me and tell me on the phone. Give me time to COOL DOWN before he gets home AND allow me to think it’s waaaaay worse than it actually is. Instead, I saw it right away and didn’t have a chance to think about it so it was worse damage than I was anticipating!
All of this went down like 10 min before we were leaving for the party. I just kinda threw myself and Kye together and we left. I was pretty mad still at the party and didn’t really feel like I was able to enjoy it fully. I was too amped up! Haha!
Lorelai had a gymnastics party this year. Luckily it was RIGHT down the street from our house so even with all the car drama we weren’t late 😉 Kye had never been to anything like this before and he jumped right into the action! He did so great following all the instructions and really had a fun time!
Kye has ALWAYS had a lot of upper body strength (remember when he was a baby and would hang from his closet doors?) so I knew he’d rock out at the rings!
The big “block pit” as Kye called it was the HIT of the party. A lot of the adults jumped in too. Sorry, not my scene. I wasn’t dressed appropriately to participate and I didn’t have any desire to either. I’m one of those people who doesn’t care if everyone else is doing something. I’m fine being the odd man out, which I was 😉 I enjoyed sticking to the sidelines and just watching everyone else have fun!
With all the running around prior to the party I didn’t get a chance to feed Kye lunch or pack a lunch or anything for the party. So his lunch that day was like 10 Chickfila Nuggets from the tray they had and two juice boxes. Plus cake of course. Yes. THE ULTIMATE “Cool Mom” day was just getting started haha!
Lorelai and her cake!
Present time!
The favors Robyn gave out were great! I love stuff that is useful 🙂 Kye really enjoyed his pink water bottle and wore his medal the rest of the day 🙂 (Don’t ask me where it is at this point though…probably in the trash haha).
Kye and Lorelai have been to every one of each other’s birthday parties! I love that they have been friends for such a long time 🙂
After the party we raced home, changed Kye’s clothes, and ran to Target before the next birthday party. Yes, Kye SKIPPED his nap. I don’t like doing it and I don’t do it often, but Lorelai’s party didn’t end until like 1:30 so rather than put him down for his nap late I figured I’d just let him attend the second party at 3 which I usually wouldn’t take him to since it’s during nap as well! Kid lucked out 😉
This party was for a friend in his class, Adia. Her family also happens to be good friends with the Megows so we got to hang with them too! Win, win! It was at a super nice park that I actually haven’t ever even seen before yet it’s thisclose to the movie theater. So random? We had fun playing and enjoying the beautiful weather!
Can you tell I was having a ROUGH day? Bless my heart!!!
At this party they had popcorn, cake, candy, and soda. Let’s remember he ate straight JUNK for lunch. Well I continued on my mega cool mom trend for the day and he ate cake again. I did let him have a little popcorn but only allowed him to choose one piece of candy. And we did water over the soda. But still…two pieces of cake in one day. I mean I can’t even believe it! 😉
We left early from the party. Partially because we needed to get home to get Britt ready for the Father Daughter Dance and partially because I totally goofed on the birthday gifts. It was a double party for the girl in Kye’s class and her younger brother. For some reason I thought he was turning two but he was actually turning three. Our gift to him? A shape sorter totally appropriate for a two year old but beyond babyish for a three year old. I did not want to experience that whole moment of embarrassment when they opened the presents and everyone would be thinking “why the heck would they buy him that?” haha So we left 😉
While Zach and Britt went to the dance (post to come!) Kye and I had a date night. Yes. After a day of eating pure junk we just rolled with it and went to Zaxby’s. Not only did I get a huge meal but I also ordered a shake. Yes, a shake. And I gave Kye half of it. That means he ate chicken nuggets for lunch and for dinner AND that he had two pieces of cake and 1/2 of a milkshake (not just any milkshake but the brownie one they had for awhile). All in one day. Kid got more junk food in a seven hour span than he typically gets in an entire month haha.
It was not the best day of my life. But it might have been Kye’s? Haha. I was pretty much a wreck all day after the whole car fiasco but he was in Heaven at my totally-unlike-me parenting 😉 Oh AND his teacher happened to walk up at Zaxby’s while I was posting this picture to Instagram so I totally looked like “that mom” who is always on her phone and ignoring her kid. Quality!
Thankfully the car situation wasn’t as bad as I was expecting it to be. We have Geico insurance and they were AMAZING. Seriously. It was THE smoothest thing EVER. And we lucked out and our deductible was WAY less than we thought it was. Zach did get a ticket for the trailer hitting the building but he is going to the court date for it hoping we can get it dropped. Zach has the kind of luck where I’m sure they will drop it for him 😉 If I had been the one to wreck the car? Our deductible would have been HIGHER than we thought, I’d have a larger ticket to pay, and it would have been a nightmare dealing with the insurance company. Thankfully, Zach doesn’t have my kind of luck haha
It did take two weeks to get my car back but they gave Zach a rental and I just drove his car so we also ending up saving on gas money 🙂 They had to replace the entire back door as well as the entire side panel. It looks great now though and Kye was SO happy to have my car back. He wasn’t a fan of riding in Zach’s all the time.
While I freaked out at first about the whole thing I really do feel bad for Zach. I’m sure it was super sucky to have to come home and tell me about what happened. After the initial shock wore off I tried to be more supportive about it all. Plus when you have a three year old in the car with you during a wreck the kid WILL NOT LET YOU FORGET IT! I don’t have any desire to guilt-trip Zach over it b/c Kye does that enough. He literally tells EVERYONE about the car and how the police came and how Daddy’s trailer hit a building. I believe, a month later, that they are even still praying about my car in his Sunday school class haha. I’m just glad to have it behind us!
It was a crazzzzzzy busy day and one of those where I didn’t really enjoy it but now looking back on it I can appreciate the humor in it all 😉 If I actually blogged “current” and wrote this post the day it happened then you probably would have an entirely different tone haha
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
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