
I tend to resist change. But the time has come for some blog sprucing so I hope you like all the changes and I hope to only continue to grow and learn in this little hobby of mine 🙂 I’m super proud of my NEW first-ever blog button! That I totally, 100% designed myself!!! I actually wrote-in to a couple Etsy sellers to get them to do one for me but today I felt inspired and thought I could figure this thing out. It was fun and I really like the end result! I hope you do too!!!

Here’s the debut of my blog button:

What do you think??? I’ll be so proud and happy if you decide to put my blog button on your blog to show your love 🙂 If you don’t know what a Blog Button actually is (coughKellycough) it is a cute little thing to add to your blog page that also provides a link to whoever made the button (in this case if someone clicks on my button they get taken to my blog! cool huh?) If you use Blogger here’s how you do it:

  1. Go to the “design” tab
  2. Click “add a gadget” in your side bar
  3. Click “html/javascript”
  4. Then paste the code below my blog button (which, for now, is located in the upper right corner of my blog) into the empty space and save!

Want to make your own blog button to show off to the world? I learned how to do mine from Mandipidy and it was EASY! Here’s her tutorial! Can’t wait to see what you all come up with and hope to see my blog button on other blogs soon 🙂

Emily Parker

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