BFBN: Disciplining Foster Kids

Today we continue with our theme of discipline and our spotlight blogger is Natasha from Let’s Be Brave.  Natasha is so inspiring to me! She’s a foster mama, an adoptive mama, and is pregnant with her…

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BFBN: How To Discipline Without Spanking

This week is our Babywise Friendly Blog Network Week! We are all discussing the topic of discipline and Valerie, from Chronicles of a Babywise Mom, is kicking things off with a post overflowing with TONS…

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6 Methods of Correction for your Toddler using Toddlerwise

6 Methods of Correction for Your Toddler using Toddlerwise By: Katrina from Mama’s Organized Chaos She’s sharing 6 methods of correction for toddlers…which is perfect timing for me personally as having a third kid who…

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Potty Training Post Round Up!

Today is Babywise Friendly Blog Network Day and everyone is posting on the topic of Potty Training! I was SUPER pumped for this topic as I have a LOT to say about it AND because…

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BFBN: Babywise is More Than Just Sleep!

Today is the last day of our week long focus on common Babywise misconceptions and myths. Cole from Twinning Babywise has become one of my new favorite bloggers! She has SUCH a great voice and…

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