BFBN: 6 Rules For Keeping Children Safe From Strangers

I’m pretty excited about the Babywise Friendly Blog Network topic this week! It’s all about STRANGERS. I am always on the look out for articles about keeping my family safe and I love that I’ll…

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Breastfeeding on a Schedule

I have breastfed three babies now and also have successfully implemented Babywise schedules with all three. It is often said that babies can’t be breastfed and be on a schedule and that’s simply not true.…

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BFBN: And Then There Were Four.

Today is Babywise Friendly Blog Network Day! I’m blogging over at Team Cartwright and talking about staying cool in the summer heat. Today Shea, from The Moses Home, is guest posting here and talking about…

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Babywise Tips for a Working Mom

This guest post on Babywise tips for a working mom comes courtesy of Robyn from The Robyn’s Nest. Take it away, Robyn! Hi!  I’m Robyn! Emily and I have been friends for almost 7 years…

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BFBN: Creativity Involving Your Toddler!

Today is Babywise Friendly Blog Network Day! I’m guest posting over at The Moses Home about my tips for a successful breastfeeding experience. Katrina, from Mama’s Organized Chaos, is guest posting here about a topic…

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