Managing Multiple Babywise Schedules

I will never forget what it was like when my first baby was born. How overwhelming everything seemed and how lost I felt. Then I read Babywise for the first time. I had clarity and…

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What is My Baby’s Temperament?

What is My Baby’s Temperament? Getting to know your baby is part of the joys of becoming a mother. Every child is unique and is born with their own individual personality and temperament. Figuring out…

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BFBN: How Your Child’s Temperament Influences the Sleep Training Process

It’s the final day of Babywise Friendly Blog Network Week! I don’t know about all of you, but I’ve personally really enjoyed the topic of personalities! To end the week we’re having a special guest…

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BFBN: Highlighting and Challenging Our Kids’ Personalities

Continuing with the theme of personalities for this week today’s spotlight blogger is Claire from My Devising.  I feel like I could have written this post myself! Just like Claire and her son are similar, so…

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BFBN: Being in Tune with Personality Types Within the Family

Today continues Babywise Friendly Blog Network week with our topic of personalities. Elaine, from Faithfully Infertile, is blogging about the importance of being in tune to personality types within the family dynamic. Her post really…

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