The Benefits of a Chair in Every Room

Today is Babywise Friendly Blog Network Pinterest Day. Be sure to follow our group on Pinterest for tons of great resources! Our topic today is “intentional home layout.” We all have reasons why we do…

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BFBN Day: Why I Loved Having a Birth Photographer

Today is Babywise Friendly Blog Network day! I’m blogging over at Chronicles of a Babywise Mom about preparing siblings for a new baby. Today Claire is guest blogging about something I personally have experienced: having…

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Babywise With Three Kids: How It Makes Juggling Life Easier

Is Babywise possible with three kids? You bet! As a matter of fact, it actually makes things easier. I recently gave birth to my third baby. When you enter the world of three kids, people…

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Dealing with Night and Day Confusion in a Newborn

One of the most common issues I hear about when moms bring a new baby home from the hospital is night and day confusion. With my first baby we only stayed one night in the…

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Babywise With a New Baby: Benefits When Bringing Home a Newborn

This is a guest post I wrote for another blogger on benefits of Babywise when bringing home a new baby! I am a proud mother of THREE children. A 5 year old, a 2.5 year…

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