Keeping a Summer Schedule

Today is Babywise Friendly Blog Network Pinterest Day! We are all talking about back to school so be sure to check out the other bloggers for some great back to school tips and tricks! Back…

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BFBN – Teaching a Pre-Toddler to Develop a Positive Attitude

Today is the last day of our week on the subject of attitude! I will never forget the first time Valerie contacted me and asked me to write a guest post for Babywise Friendly Blog…

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BFBN: Encouraging an Attitude of Adventure

Today continues Babywise Friendly Blog Network Week! Yesterday, I discussed instilling the attitude of appreciation in our children. Today Claire, from My Devising, is our spotlight blogger. She is looking deeper into attitude and how…

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BFBN: Requiring a Good Attitude Without Stifling Emotions

Today continues Babywise Friendly Blog Network Week! The spotlight is on Rachel at A Mother Far From Home and she discussed if we can require a good attitude of our children without stifling their emotions.…

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BFBN: What Do We Mean By Attitude?

Today we continue with the theme of attitude for Babywise Friendly Blog Network Week! The spotlight is on Maureen over at Childwise Chat as she discusses what we mean when we say “attitude.” Valerie’s post was…

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