Week 12 Summary

Week Change Ok, so I’m an idiot. But I also think this whole age thing is confusing as crap! When we are born we are in our 1st year but then we turn 1 year…

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Week Ten Summary

We’re in the double digits now! So crazy! Here’s what’s been up with Kye this past week: Rice Cereal: As I mentioned in an earlier post Zach really wanted to try giving Kye rice cereal…

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Week Nine Summary

It’s hard to believe my little boy is 10 weeks old! Not a newborn anymore huh? Not that he has looked like a newborn for awhile but still I liked the excuse, “well we just…

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Week Eight Summary

I decided not to write about week seven as we were gone for most of it ๐Ÿ™ When we got off the plane in Valdosta I was DYING to run in the door and see…

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Passive Parenting ~ Trusting My Gut

I have always known that I’m not the most secure person in the world. I may appear pretty confident but I’m one of those people who can dish it out but who really can’t take…

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