Important Recall for Honda Odyssey Owners!

We bought our van back in 2014 and paid it off within that first year. It’s the first car I’ve ever owned and I LOVE it. I love the convince of having a van and…

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Tess Monthly Summary: October 2016

This is all about Tess from October! First time trying French Toast! I rarely talk on the phone but when I do my kids know I’m distracted…Tess totally took that moment to decide to try…

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Britt Monthly Summary: October 2016

This is Britt’s summary from October! This month Britt’s class had a Harvest Day! The kids dressed up in farmer type gear and had some cute themed crafts and such. I’m struggle city when it…

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Kye Monthly Summary: October 2016

This is all about Kye from October! I LOVE Chick Fil A. For many, many reasons but one being all the AWESOME events they do for families. Several years ago they did a Mother Son…

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The Story of a Bad Mom

Today I’m going to tell you a story. A story of a mom named Kate. Kate had always dreamed of becoming a mom. She’s always wanted lots of babies and desired nothing more than the…

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