Tess Summary of Month 19

This is a summary from Tess’s 19th month of life (Jan 31st – Feb 29th). She was 18 months old during this month! Eating:  Tess continues to be a pretty good eater! I can tell…

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Britt Monthly Summary: February 2016

This is Britt’s summary from Feb! Every year Zach takes the girls on a special date around V-Day and usually that’s the same time that our town has a Father/Daughter Dance nice. This year I…

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Kye Monthly Summary: February 2016

Here’s a review of Kye’s month of February! His last month of being 6! Zach and I had a “date day” where we spent the day getting adult things done like paying taxes, updating our…

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Deciding Appropriate Entertainment Choices for Our Family

Growing up I was exposed to a wide range of entertainment options at a young age. I saw my first rated R movie at the age of 9 (Speed followed by The Body Guard). I…

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Saying Goodbye to the Babysitter Guilt

Saying Goodbye to the Babysitter Guilt. Being a mom I have a lot of guilt wrapped up in asking people to help care for my children. I know I’m not alone in this feeling. Many…

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