Britt Monthly Summary: October

This is all about Britt from October! Community Helper Day: I was fortunate enough to spend a special day at school with each child this month. Kye had a field trip at the post office and…

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Kye Monthly Summary October

Here is everything going on with Kye in October! Field Trip: This month I joined Kye and his class on a field trip to our local post office. His teacher had each student write a letter…

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Summary of Week 13

Tess’s 13th week of life was from Thursday Oct 23rd through Wednesday October 29th. She was 12 weeks old during this week.  Nursing: Bottle was a BIG issue on our beach trip. She simply refused. We…

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Week 12 Summary

We were in Hawaii during Tess’s entire 11th week of life so this is picking up from when we got back home ๐Ÿ™‚ Tess turned 11 weeks old on Thursday October 16th and therefore her…

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Week Ten Summary

Tess’s 10th week of life was from Thursday Oct 2 through Wednesday Oct 8th. She was 9 weeks old during this week. Nursing: My biggest concern this week was bottle feeding. We left for Hawaii on…

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