35+ Best Kids’ Birthday Party Ideas

Kids’ birthday parties are always a fun (and often chaotic!) time, especially when your child requests a themed birthday party. Even if they’re too young to choose a theme, parents often have a great time…

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Star Wars Birthday Party Ideas: Food, Decor, and More!

For Kye’s birthday this year we decided to have a party! And not just any party… a Star Wars birthday party! If you’re planning a Star Wars theme, keep in mind that most of these…

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Pirate Themed Birthday Party: DIY Decorations, Food, and More!

Pretty much since Kye was born Zach and I have wanted to have a pirate themed birthday party. We talked about it a couple years ago and all agreed that when he turned 6 it’d…

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Fire Truck Birthday Party Ideas: Food, Decorations & More!

Last year Kye mentioned wanting to have a fire truck themed birthday party and I’ve been SO looking forward to this!!! Fire truck birthday party ideas are everywhere, so it was THE easiest party I’ve…

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The Best Gender Neutral Baby Shower Ideas

Why have a gender neutral baby shower? The real question is, why not? Okay, actually, there is more than one reason why you might want to choose a gender neutral theme. First, maybe you’re waiting…

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