Tess Monthly Summary: November 2016

It was fun to get to visit Tess’s class for her Thanksgiving program. Britt was able to come along with me since hers had ended. I got to see firsthand how Tess is just straight…

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Britt Monthly Summary: November 2016

Sweet Britt was so excited for her Thanksgiving program at school! They changed things up a bit and this year the 4 year old class met in a larger room and the kids performed and…

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Kye Monthly Summary: November 2016

Kye is always such a bright light in any tough spot. He steps up when he needs to. If we have a new baby he is right there ready to help. He’s understanding when plans…

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Family Fun: November 2016

Our November was pretty much consumed by tough medical news and Disney (strange combo haha). So we didn’t do a whole lot during the month! The big kids and I attended our church Soup Kitchen…

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Tess’s First Haircut {Harmony Barber Shop}

A couple years ago I first learned about Harmony Barber Shop. To be honest, I’d never even seen it before! It’s well hidden on Main Street USA inside Magic Kingdom (it’s to the left when…

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