Tess is 12 Months Old!
My itty bitty baby is ONE!!! Tess turned 12 months old on July 31st and this is the last of the monthly sticker pictures as well as the last of the What to Expect the…
View PostMy itty bitty baby is ONE!!! Tess turned 12 months old on July 31st and this is the last of the monthly sticker pictures as well as the last of the What to Expect the…
View PostWe have so many traditions but one of my favorites is the yearly letter we write to our children! I love writing these posts and going through and finding all the pics of us with…
View PostThis post covers Tess’s 12th month of life which was from July 1st through July 30th! She is considered “11 months old” during this month (I have to always write all that out so I…
View PostToday I’m linking up with Momfessionals for Show and Tell Tuesday! The topic today is about our first jobs but since I’ve had so few “legit” jobs I figured I’d just cover them all in…
View PostSummer was SO FUN around here!!! This month we stayed super busy and I also did weekly summer recap posts so there isn’t much to cover in the monthly ones (which I prefer!). Britt is…
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