Kye Monthly Summary October
Here is everything going on with Kye in October! Field Trip: This month I joined Kye and his class on a field trip to our local post office. His teacher had each student write a letter…
View PostHere is everything going on with Kye in October! Field Trip: This month I joined Kye and his class on a field trip to our local post office. His teacher had each student write a letter…
View PostTess turned 3 months old on October 31st! As usual I’m using What to Expect the First Year to compare where Tess is in her development with the “norm” for her age! I had to…
View PostLast year Casey and Jordan hosted the first annual Halloween party at their house! It was also when they announced their pregnancy with Carter ๐ SO crazy how much changes in one year! Now he’s…
View PostTomorrow Britt turns 3! It’s crazy hard for me to believe that it’s already been three years. I feel like I was just pregnant with her and writing blog posts about “Blitzen!” Each birthday for…
View PostTess’s 13th week of life was from Thursday Oct 23rd through Wednesday October 29th. She was 12 weeks old during this week. Nursing: Bottle was a BIG issue on our beach trip. She simply refused. We…
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