Back to School!

We have had SUCH a fun filled summer! Timing worked out great to have a baby due at the very end of the summer. While it was tough being pregnant, it was great to get…

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Zach’s 30th Birthday!

When we decided to start trying to get pregnant, we talked about how Leo would have a close birthday to Zach’s…when Tess was born she was born exactly 1 week before Zach’s 30th birthday! I…

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Week One Summary

Because things in the life of a newborn change SO quickly, I do weekly posts for my kids. This post will cover Tess’s first week of life from July 31st – August 6th Nursing: Right…

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Baby Tess Comparison Photos

When I had Britt people never really compared her to Kye because Kye was a boy and she was a girl. However, as soon as Tess was born the comparisons to Britt began! It’s a…

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Tess’s First Bath

We did not get to give Tess her first bath until late into her first week of life. Due to our kids being sick and Zach not feeling well, we just postponed it until everyone…

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