Big Bro and Big Sis Meeting Little Sis

I am so, so thankful for the timing of Tess’s delivery. One of the main reasons I’m so glad it all happened when it did was that Jordan was available to keep the kids. I…

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Tess’s Birth Story {By Mommy}

Tess’s Birth Story {By Mommy} Disclaimer: If you have never read any of my previous birth stories then I want to warn you. I am detailed and very open and honest about my experiences. I also…

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Last Days Before “Leo”

Both Kye and Britt arrived prior to their due dates. With this pregnancy being a summer pregnancy and with some of my pre-term labor concerns Zach and I really assumed this baby would be my earliest…

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TBT: Zach Turns 30!!!

Today is Zach’s 30th BIRTHDAY!!! Since we have a one week old baby we will be celebrating pretty low-key. Which I totally feel bad about. I mean 30 y’all! That’s a BIG deal!!! If you…

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Fire Station Visit 2014

Every summer we go to the local fire station for a fire safety lesson and to check out the fire trucks. I first put this event together because when I originally went it was with…

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