VBS Spy Academy

This year the week of VBS was also an insane week for our family. It was the week following my bed rest, the week after Carter was born, the week Kye started golf camp, and…

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Carter’s Birth!

Warning: Picture overload post ๐Ÿ™‚ The first week of June was a crazy one! It started off with Casey being admitted to the hospital the same morning as her baby shower. Then I had pre-labor…

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Britt Monthly Summary: May

Here is everything Britt was up to in May! Play: Even though I started independent playtime with Britt from an early age…her personality is much different from Kye’s and she is much more of a “people…

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Kye Monthly Summary – May

Here is Kye’s summary from May! Chores: I have been debating about chores for awhile now. I’ve seen TONS of cute ideas for chore charts floating around Pinterest but decided to just keep it simple. Now…

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Kye School Work – Spring 2014

I know these posts aren’t very well liked and that’s okay ๐Ÿ™‚ I blog for the main goal of keeping memories for my children and having them collected in my blog books and this is…

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