Transitioning Britt from Crib to Bed

Transitioning from Crib to Bed. I know many, many people who transition their children from the crib to a bed at much younger ages than when we made the switch for Britt. For Kye, we…

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Britt Monthly Summary – April

Britt’s summary from April! Drawing: I really never thought Britt would be nearly as into drawing/coloring/writing as Kye has always been. I know it’s not the norm for kids their ages to enjoy just sitting and…

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34 Weeks Pregnant and OB Visit

Only 4-6 weeks left until this baby should be here!!! Have you entered the baby pool yet??? Don’t forget to make your guesses! Also be sure to enter the giveaway I have going on for…

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Kye Monthly Summary: April

Here’s Kye’s summary from April! Video Games: If you remember awhile back I did a post about video games and how it was a lesson for us in reparenting.  Kye is older now and will occasionally ask…

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Easter 2014

Easter this year was so late. I mean the last weekend in April?!?! Even crazier is that when I saw it was so late in the year I said “well at least you KNOW it’ll…

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