Kye 4 Year Pics and Britt 18 Month Pics

After the heaviness of yesterday’s post I’m so glad to have such a FUN post today ๐Ÿ™‚ Our family has been long over-due for pics together. I typically like for the kids to have professional…

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Personality Test!

The other night I read a blog post from Danielle’s blog and found it SO random that she did a personality test. I mean it’s not really something I’d normally see her doing and isn’t…

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Flashback Friday: FSU

When I think about my college career the first thing I think of is Zach. I mean he pretty much WAS what my college days were all about. We met in January of 2004 which…

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Britt is 19 Months Old!

Britt turned 19 months old on July 6th! This month I decided to use some pics of her during lunch. She is SO silly at meal times. She loves to play peek-a-boo and loves to…

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Kye Monthly Summary: June

I soaked Kye UP during the month of June! It was W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L having him home with me everyday during the summer ๐Ÿ™‚  Eating: Kye has been eating great! He’s getting more adventurous with what he will…

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