End of School Year

Kye has been counting down to summer! He’s been so excited to end the school year, enjoy all of our summer plans, and then start the 4 year old class in the fall. It’s hard…

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Kye School Work and Report Spring 2013

I really, really love that Kye’s school sends home a report at the end of each “semester” (one in Dec and one in May). As he gets older, he’s less into relaying to me what…

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School Year Review Day

During Kye’s last week of school his class hosted a day for all the parents to come and see what they have been doing during this year. I know Kye LOVES to sing so I…

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Colt and Payton’s Birthday Party!

Colt and Payton’s birthdays are both in May (they are only 11 months apart in age!!!). Every year Courtney has a separate party for each of them. It’s always great, but I can’t IMAGINE planning…

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Mother’s Day 2013

For Mother’s Day this year we decided to celebrate with Mrs. Charlotte and the fam at our house the day prior to Mother’s Day (May 11th). We hosted a big breakfast and it really worked…

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