10 Reasons!
My kids, legit, have THE best father! I am so, so blessed to get to call him my husband ๐ Here are just a few of the reasons why Zach is the world’s best Daddy!…
View PostMy kids, legit, have THE best father! I am so, so blessed to get to call him my husband ๐ Here are just a few of the reasons why Zach is the world’s best Daddy!…
View PostI’ve followed Kelly’s Korner for such a long time (and was totally crunk when I got the chance to meet her!) and have always loved the Single’s Day she hosts! It’s so cool how many couples…
View PostBritt turned 17 Months old on May 6th! According to What to Expect The Toddler Years here is a summary of where she is in her development compared to other kids her age! Britt is able…
View PostBritt lived her 17th month (was 16 months old) from April 6th through May 5th. This month was a HUGE focus on potty training. Therefore, all the pictures of her are either of her wearing…
View PostDid you know I’m a legit published author? Yup it’s true!!! And it’s a great topic for a Flashback Friday post!!! My mom always did a great job reading to us when we were…
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