Monthly Family Recap: September 2021

Little bits from our family moments in September! We were super excited to attend our first full family VSU game this month! We were invited to take part in the President’s Pregame Tailgate and it…

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Dr. Seuss Dress Up Ideas: What to Wear for Dr. Seuss Day

We actually don’t own a whole lot of Dr. Seuss books, so when I got a letter from the kids’ school saying they’d be dressing up for Dr. Seuss Day I had to do some…

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Celebrating Britt’s 9 3/4 Harry Potter Birthday

I had a friend post her son’s 10th birthday celebration on FB and I noticed the Happy Birthday sign she had for him had the 9 3/4 symbol on it. It gave me a “lightbulb…

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Family Pictures November 2021

We typically have family photos taken two times a year. I love having updated pictures of our kids and put a lot of thought and planning into our child photo ideas for each family photo…

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Labor Day 2021: Girl’s Night at Magic Kingdom

With our later afternoon at Epcot the day prior we decided to skip our family plans for an early park morning at Magic Kingdom and instead slept in and had a lazy, hang out at…

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