Kye is 16 Months Old!

For this month’s summary, I included some pictures of Kye with his crayons. He’s been hardcore into putting things in and out of storage containers and his favorite thing to do with crayons is put…

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Kye Summary of Month 16

This month we were in the process of moving almost every day. That meant a LOT less picture-taking time! Of course I’m also behind on my blogging because of all the moving. So I’m just…

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Emily Luck

Growing up I always considered myself to have BAD luck but as I’ve become an adult and Christian and realize all the blessings I have in my life I now know that I don’t have…

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Twlight Night: Eclipse

Call me a nerd all you want but I enjoy the Twilight books and when I first read them I was border-line obsessed with the idea of being a vampire ๐Ÿ™‚ I love that they…

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First Family Golf Outing

There were just TOO many pictures to fit in the Father’s Day post so I had to devote an entire entry to our fun afternoon out at the golf course. Zach loves to golf and…

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