Baby-Free Game Night!

Zach and I used to be able to count our number of friends on one hand (well we used to be able to count them with just a couple fingers actually). It was tough feeling…

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Whole Milk

As you know my pediatrician gave Kye the okay to introduce whole milk at 10 months old. I’m so glad I didn’t do that! I have heard from many people since then that their pediatrician…

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Exciting Mail!

I’ve been practically standing by the mailbox waiting every day for the past couple of days! Danielle text me for my address so I’ve been eagerly awaiting what I’d hoped would be something exciting…and it…

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Wedding Weekend: Pre-Rehearsal

Saturday morning we got up nice and early and headed over to the nail place to have some girl time with the mommies and bridal party! Since I’m a first-time-bridesmaid I tried to do my…

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Wedding Weekend: Cocktail Party

There will be SEVERAL posts from the wedding weekend! I really wanted to take a TON of pictures for Brandon and Chrissy as I would have loved that for my own wedding ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m really…

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