Summary of Month 9

It’s been a BUSY month for Mr. Kye!!! Crib: One afternoon Zach and I were eating lunch or something and we heard Kye bust out laughing on the monitor. We had to go in there…

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Toy Attachment: Yellow Link

I know around this age babies become attached to objects. Typically a lot of the books and such call it a “transition item.” From early on I was hoping to make the monkey his attachment…

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Deal Hunting

Typically I am done Christmas shopping by Thanksgiving. I usually start in June and am beyond done by my birthday! This year things are a little different. For starters, I’m sticking to a budget for…

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Fun Times At Gramma’s!

When we went to Mom’s for Thanksgiving we planned on being there for 5 days! A pretty long trip! Speaking of long trip, Melbourne is starting to feel much further away than it used to.…

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First Zoo Outing!

Even though I know Kye is a little young for it, Mom and I really wanted to take him to the zoo! Melbourne has a great one (the Brevard Zoo) so we figured why not…

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