6 Month Pictures
We took Kye’s 6 month pictures on Friday and I was so excited and nervous. He was super fussy for the 3 month ones so they weren’t mega awesome..but he was in a pretty good…
View PostWe took Kye’s 6 month pictures on Friday and I was so excited and nervous. He was super fussy for the 3 month ones so they weren’t mega awesome..but he was in a pretty good…
View PostBack in my senior year of high school we had an assignment to create a Scrapbook. We did two different ones. The first was our whole lives up to our senior year and the second…
View PostWhen we decided to be surprised at the sex of our baby one of the few things I was disappointed about was that I wouldn’t be able to buy cute little baby clothes. I knew…
View PostKye is such a big boy now eating solids in his high chair! We have a nice little routine (shocker) where he nurses, we cuddle (if he’s in the mood…), then I put him in…
View PostSunday we got up and went to church. Kye did really well as it was the longest time he’s been up in church without eating (we have to take him out of church each Sunday…
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