One Month Old

Kye turned one month old on Saturday! Most people would say “I can’t believe it’s already been a month.” But for Zach and I we can’t believe it’s ONLY been a month! It feels like…

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Worth the 10 month wait!

The last time we all went to Giulio’s was for Katie’s birthday back in May! It is probably our favorite restaurant…all because of the AMAZING Greek salad they have! It’s awesome and no words can…

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Picture Crazy

On Sunday we had Kye’s first photo shoot! My plan is to get it done 4 times this year then twice a year after that. I know they change a lot the first year and…

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Week Three Summary

Like everyone says, it gets easier and easier with time. The third week has been a lot better than the second! I hope the fourth is even better!!! I’ve started to go walking everyday for…

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Summing up the Rest of the First Two Weeks

I really think we adjusted pretty quickly to having a baby! By the end of the first two weeks I was starting to feel like I had a grasp on things. As soon as she…

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