Tess’s 6th Birthday Letter {From Daddy}
Tess’s 6th Birthday Letter {From Daddy} Tessie, My sweet girl. You are 6 years old and I can not believe it. You have changed more over the past year than any other year in your…
View PostTess’s 6th Birthday Letter {From Daddy} Tessie, My sweet girl. You are 6 years old and I can not believe it. You have changed more over the past year than any other year in your…
View PostBritt’s 9th Birthday Letter {From Mommy} Dear Britt, I cannot believe looking back over the pictures through this last year to see HOW MUCH YOU’VE CHANGED! You are growing up right before my eyes and…
View PostBritt’s 9th Birthday – December 6, 2020 Our sweet Britt turned NINE and had SUCH a fun celebration over Thanksgiving break. Britt loves “birthday facts” and it’s really neat that she and I have our…
View PostMonthly Family Recap: September 2020 September was a big month for our crew so that means a big blog post to go with it 😉 Casey and Aaron’s wedding weekend was the big event this…
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