Sleep? What’s Sleep?

I have yet to experience many of the pregnancy symptoms I have read about: Still never hungry, no true I’ll-die-if-I-don’t-get-to-eat-this cravings, no nose bleeds, and (thankfully!) no hemroids.However I am experiencing a couple of the…

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Adult Type Issues

Thinking about the changes in our life ahead we’ve had to face some things that really make me realize how grown-up we are now! With a baby on the way we have to plan for…

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My Pre-Bday Celebration

We left Friday for Melbourne! It’s been sooo long since we’ve been down there and it was a really nice trip! I managed to stay awake the whole way and Zach and I enjoyed some…

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Half-Way to the Finish Line!

So while in California I hit the 19th week of my pregnancy! It seems like it is FLYING by!!! It’s really hard to believe that I’m about half-way there and I hope the next 4…

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Magic Eye Baby

Had our 18 week ultrasound on Monday…I was SO excited since the last ultrasound turned out so great I was sure this one would be even better since the baby is so much bigger and…

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