Spear is 15 Months Old
Spear turned 15 months old on March 1st. I’m using What to Expect the Toddler Years to compare his milestones and development. Real talk? I’m nervous to go through this months list of milestones. I…
View PostSpear turned 15 months old on March 1st. I’m using What to Expect the Toddler Years to compare his milestones and development. Real talk? I’m nervous to go through this months list of milestones. I…
View PostThis post covers all of Spear’s 15th month of life which was the entire month of February. He was 14 months old during this month. Eating: Spear is still loving his morning oatmeal (I give…
View PostAs a way to lower my blog workload and shorten up post length, I’ve decided to divide out my regular HUGE monthly posts and make three separate posts (at least for now): a mid-month recap,…
View PostSo far I’m liking splitting the monthly posts in half and having a mid-month and end of month update. You can read about our family’s first half of February here. Kye As always, we continue…
View PostTen. Ten years ago you made my dreams come true by giving me the gift of motherhood. An entire decade has gone by and with each passing day you only continue to amaze me more…
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