Summer Recap 2017: Week 1

Ahhhh summer is HERE!!! I love, love doing my weekly summer recaps during the summer. I know a lot of bloggers do a “weekend recap” each weekend of the year, but I find during the…

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Mother’s Day 2017

The past couple of years Mother’s Day has been a tad crazy for us. Last year Zach had back surgery right before Mother’s Day and we had to postpone it for several weeks. It was…

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Britt’s K4 Graduation

Britt has been SO excited about her K4 graduation! Kye had both a K4 and Kindergarten graduation while at preschool (you can see his K4 here and K5 here) but this was Britt’s first and…

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Tess Monthly Summary: April 2017

With summer coming I tried to really soak up my solo Tess time as much as I could! I know I talked to other parents from the preschool and they were trying to convince me…

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Britt Monthly Summary: April 2017

We are simply BLOWN AWAY by Britt’s reading! She came home this month with a reward for completing all of her reading books for the school year. It makes me SO excited to watch her…

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