Spear’s Week 13 Summary

This is a summary of Spear’s 13th week of life. From Friday February 23rd through Thursday March 1st. He was 12 weeks old during this week! Feeding: We hit a bump in the road with feeding.…

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Spear’s Week 12 Summary

This is a summary of Spear’s 12th week of life. From Friday Feb 16h through Thursday Feb 22nd. He was 11 weeks old during this week ๐Ÿ™‚ (and yes…I write all of this out on…

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T-Rex {End of Trip}

After our morning at MK we all got to work! Zach’s family was heading back the next day and our crew was heading back the following day. A lot of what was left were little…

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First Family Morning at Magic Kingdom

Even though the purpose of the weekend was to focus on getting things done at the house, we also wanted to take a break to have a little bit of family time! It worked out…

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Epcot Solo Morning with Big Three

Since we have annual passes a little goal of mine is to visit at least one Disney park a month. I know it’s probably not going to be possible, but it’d be cool to achieve…

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