Tess’s 3rd Birthday Letter {From Daddy}

Tess, I am so excited that you are turning 3. You are the coolest 3 year old ever. You have changed so much over the past year. Although you still look exactly like your mom.…

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16 Months Waiting (AKA: The Month We Got Matched)

This post covers a bit less than a month but that’s okay…there is PLENTY to discuss ๐Ÿ˜‰ It covers August 7th – August 29th. Our 16th month into the adoption process! If you’d like to…

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We’re Matched!!!

We are grateful and honored to announce that a super strong and incredibly selfless expectant mother has chosen our family! Please join us in prayer during the weeks ahead for our family, the expectant mother,…

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Tess’s 3rd Birthday Letter {From Mommy}

My sweet Tess: It is hard for me to fathom that you are now 3. I feel like I just gave birth to you. Just held you for the first time. Just spent my days…

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Tessie’s 3rd Birthday

Tess turned 3 on Monday July 31st! I like that we always do her party before her actual birthday as it gets her in the birthday mood ๐Ÿ˜‰ Our birthday tradition is for all the…

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