Britt Monthly Summary: November 2016

Sweet Britt was so excited for her Thanksgiving program at school! They changed things up a bit and this year the 4 year old class met in a larger room and the kids performed and…

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Kye Monthly Summary: November 2016

Kye is always such a bright light in any tough spot. He steps up when he needs to. If we have a new baby he is right there ready to help. He’s understanding when plans…

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Family Fun: November 2016

Our November was pretty much consumed by tough medical news and Disney (strange combo haha). So we didn’t do a whole lot during the month! The big kids and I attended our church Soup Kitchen…

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Hollywood Studios Afternoon Nov 2016 {Goodbye Disney!}

After naps we headed back to Hollywood Studios to finish up the day! It was our first time being outnumbered at Disney. Our three kids and just Zach and I! It was sweet b/c Mrs…

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Hollywood Studios Morning Nov 2016

Our last day at Disney! We headed down to Orlando on Thanksgiving Day and our last park day was the following Thursday. We actually decided to drive home first thing the next morning and check…

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