20 Weeks Pregnant!

Halfway there!!! It’s gettin’ real now! Baby Growth: This week Leo is weighing in around 10.5 oz and is roughly 6.5 inches from head to bottom, 10 inches from head to heel (length of a banana!).…

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“Snow” Days

Growing up I lived near Atlanta. Usually we’d get lucky and have one or two days of snow each year. And by snow, I mean maybe an inch or so. Nothing major, but enough to where…

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Kye’s First Field Trip: Cici’s Pizza

Kye’s class went on a field trip to Cici’s Pizza! It was the first time Kye has been on a field trip and he was SO excited about it ๐Ÿ™‚ Since Kye’s school is parent…

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19 Weeks Pregnant!

Sorry for being late on this post! Before I get into all the pregnancy updates from the week I wanted to share with y’all about some exciting news! My long-time awesome, amazing friend Rachael has…

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Post-Shot Foot Update

A couple weeks ago I had a shot injected into my foot. Just to do a brief recap (because goodness…starting from the beginning of this foot craziness would take forever) I had an MRI done…

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