Labor Day Beach Trip!

Every year for the past five years Mr. Rusty and Mrs. Charlotte have taken all their children and grandchildren on a family trip. This year they booked us a week long trip (typically we only…

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The Way to a Man’s Heart

At the end of August we found out some bad news. For the first time since Zach ever started working with Aflac, he didn’t qualify for National Convention. Technically he did qualify but a little bad…

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While Kye is at School

When Kye first started back to school I had a TOUGH time figuring out what in the world to do with Brittlynn! Last year she napped during his time at school but this year I…

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School’s In Saturday

As most of you know, I’ve been a stay at home mom/wife since Zach and I first got married. We got married while we were still in college so technically I’ve never been in the…

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School Everyday

When we first started Kye at preschool he went for three mornings a week. This year marked the first year of five mornings a week. Ugh, I’ve been dreading this day. I mean once we get…

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