Kye 4 Year Pics and Britt 18 Month Pics

After the heaviness of yesterday’s post I’m so glad to have such a FUN post today ๐Ÿ™‚ Our family has been long over-due for pics together. I typically like for the kids to have professional…

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Final St Augustine Day

All good things must come to an end and the same was true of our family vacation. We ended our trip with a second morning at the beach! This summer was a non-stop rainy one.…

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Old Town

So in ONE day of our trip we all changed outfits three times. Haha! We started off the day by the boats then ate lunch at the park, took naps, and ended our day in…

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Park Lunch in St Augustine

Our St Augustine trip is filled with many, many traditions (which is probably one of the reasons I LOVE this trip so much!). We try to do fun things as a family, but not spend…

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Personality Test!

The other night I read a blog post from Danielle’s blog and found it SO random that she did a personality test. I mean it’s not really something I’d normally see her doing and isn’t…

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