Operation Christmas Child

I recently visited Kye’s school to attend chapel with him. They do chapel every Wednesday morning and parents are welcome to attend. I think this is a wonderful outreach to people, but I will not…

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My Little Lion

Around this time last year we were in the middle of building our house, living with Mom, had majority of our stuff in storage, and Zach started having major back issues. It was a rough…

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Blitzen’s 1st Baby Shower

Early on in my pregnancy sweet Robyn offered to host a baby shower for me! I’m a BIG believer in having a baby shower for every pregnancy. I know with your first you have SEVERAL…

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Last Day and Heading Home!

Tuesday was our last day to enjoy Hawaii and we started the morning with breakfast and hearing Mr. and Mrs. Tuohy speak. I was the most excited for that day because it was a day…

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36 Weeks Pregnant ~ 9 Months!

Well, I thought at 36 weeks you were considered full term? Didn’t you? My weekly pregnancy update email says that 37 weeks is actually full term! Which ever is fine with me…Blitzen cannot be born…

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