Maternity Pics: Round 2!

Crissy (who also blogs! check out here blog here!) and I always have fun times together! We met through Seth and Zach, who were friends in high school, and have only gotten closer and closer…

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Kye’s 2 1/2 Year Photos!

Kye officially turned 2 1/2 on September 4th! Since we were already at the barn for my maternity pictures with Mom, I decided to snap some pictures of Kye to remember him at this age.…

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Maternity Pictures: Round 1

I’ve never really been into maternity pictures…I mean who wants to remember being hugely fat and gross looking right?!?! I had a maternity shoot last pregnancy with Autumn and while I liked several of them,…

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32 and 33 Weeks Pregnant

Since I was on a plane at 5:45 am last Friday…I decided to combine my 32 and 33 weekly posts into one big long one for you! Baby Size Week 32: At 32 weeks old…

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Disney Day 5: Splash Park ~ Heading Home

I have read that most kids come home from their Disney vacations saying that their favorite part of the trip was the hotel pool! When we stayed at this same resort for my 25th birthday…

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