14 Weeks Pregnant

Supposedly NOW I’m in the 2nd trimester? I don’t really understand that when trimester would lead you to believe 1/3 and 1/3 of 9 months is three months? Whatever! Baby Growth: This week Blitzen is…

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Bermuda: Day 1 and 2

We are so blessed that Zach represents a company that rewards people for their hard work. We have the opportunity to travel with Aflac corporate two times a year. National Convention is where any agent…

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Mother’s Day 2011

Our tradition is to celebrate Father’s Day and Mother’s Day as a little family the day prior to the actual holiday. That way we have a full, uninterrupted Saturday to make plans, and can spend…

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13 Weeks Pregnant!

It’s been an emotional week (as I discussed in my last post) and it was one where I felt more appreciation for my pregnancy and this baby than I have the other 13 weeks. God…

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Monthly Summary – March and April

I did what I never thought possible, I forgot about a monthly summary post! Oops! I totally missed the month of March and once I realized it I just decided to just combine it with…

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