Megow Girls Visit

Isn’t it a blessing when someone does you a favor and you can pay them one back? The day after Crissy watched Kye for us she had her 6 week post pardum appointment so I…

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Play Day at the Megows

It’s such a blessing to have good friends who you can count on when you’re in a bind and need someone to watch your kid ๐Ÿ˜‰ Of course, Mrs. Charlotte is wonderful about keeping Kye…

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First Round of House Choices

FINALLY we’re getting started on our HOUSE! I feel like there is so much other stuff going on right now that I’m not really able to be as excited as I should be about building.…

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18 Month Pediatrician Visit

Two weeks ago (I know, I’ve been too busy living life to actually sit down and blog about it!) we had Kye’s 18 month pediatrician visit. It was a pretty exciting one because it’s the…

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Gramma’s House

It’s official! As of this morning at about 8:30 our little family is homeless and I’ve never been more thrilled ๐Ÿ™‚ We had the closing to officially switch over our house into my mom’s name!…

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