Day Date to Jacksonville
One of my goals for this year is to put our marriage at the top of our priority list and go on more dates together! So far we’ve done pretty well with this. When we…
View PostOne of my goals for this year is to put our marriage at the top of our priority list and go on more dates together! So far we’ve done pretty well with this. When we…
View PostIf I had ever done drugs it would have been a baddddd situation!!! Luckily I’ve never even smoked a cigarette! I’ve had alcohol a few times but was always really nervous about it. Alcoholism runs…
View PostHere’s a look at how Kye is doing compared to what What to Expect the First Year considers the “norm” for children his age. He’s a boy so I suspect he may start falling behind…
View PostWow, seriously..month 10?!?! I have a little calendar that I keep next to the computer where I write down all the little things Kye does throughout the month so I can keep track of it.…
View PostTwo nights ago our kitchen light suddenly went out. Yesterday Zach bought new bulbs for it but they didn’t fix the problem either so he thought he’d go up in the attic and make sure…
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