Bath-time Boy

This past month has been filled with many firsts (as the loooong month summary showed!). Kye started to splash in the tub and he also out grew his duck tub. I think for the next…

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9 Months Old!

 Here’s a monthly look at how Kye is doing compared to the “norm.” I had to include some link pics (taken after he woke up from his nap!) as I think I’ll forever remember this…

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Summary of Month 9

It’s been a BUSY month for Mr. Kye!!! Crib: One afternoon Zach and I were eating lunch or something and we heard Kye bust out laughing on the monitor. We had to go in there…

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Toy Attachment: Yellow Link

I know around this age babies become attached to objects. Typically a lot of the books and such call it a “transition item.” From early on I was hoping to make the monkey his attachment…

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Deal Hunting

Typically I am done Christmas shopping by Thanksgiving. I usually start in June and am beyond done by my birthday! This year things are a little different. For starters, I’m sticking to a budget for…

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