End of Month Recap: February 2019

So far I’m liking splitting the monthly posts in half and having a mid-month and end of month update. You can read about our family’s first half of February here. Kye As always, we continue…

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Kye’s 10th Birthday Slideshow

Ten. Ten years ago you made my dreams come true by giving me the gift of motherhood. An entire decade has gone by and with each passing day you only continue to amaze me more…

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Ski Trip 2019: Part 1

Planning a ski trip for your family? Be sure to read my packing tips! Since purchasing our home at Disney we have planned for the kids to have their birthday celebrations at Disney World. However, this…

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Mid Month Recap: February 2019

This is the first month I’m attempting to split up our family recaps! My plan is to do a mid-month and end-of-month family recap. Then I’m also going to still have Spear have his own…

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Oscars Recap 2019

Oscars Recap 2019.  Every year Katie and I have a mission: see every Best Picture Nominee prior to the Oscar’s Awards Ceremony. It’s a SUPER fun tradition and a good challenge too. It’s not as…

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