Summer Recap 2018: Week 4

Have you entered the big giveaway yet? Don’t forget! It ends Monday Night…click here to enter ๐Ÿ™‚  Our summer has been IN-SANE yall. We were gone so much that the “weekly posts” are all going…

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10th Blogging Anniversary Celebration – Disney Giveaway!

Growing up I always loved writing. I had dreams to someday be an author and I have vivid memories of myself sitting in front of our old school Apple computer making up creative stories. I…

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Father’s Day 2018

Father’s Day was very off this year which I feel so bad about but when Zach and his dad planned the Ireland trip they scheduled it where it fell over Father’s Day. I really wasn’t…

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Mommy Solo Week: Epcot Evening

We finished out our mommy-solo week with an evening at Epcot. Zach actually landed from Ireland that same night but it was good for him to be able to get home and get some SOLID…

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Mommy Solo Week: Epcot Morning

Our last park day of the trip we headed to Epcot! We did the same routine as the day prior. The babies came in the morning then we all came home for lunch and naps…

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