5 Magical Disney Moments!
Today I’m linking up for the first time with “5 on Friday!” With our recent Disney trip fresh on my mind I thought it’d be fun to share my top 5 Disney Magical Moments. Every…
View PostToday I’m linking up for the first time with “5 on Friday!” With our recent Disney trip fresh on my mind I thought it’d be fun to share my top 5 Disney Magical Moments. Every…
View PostWe didn’t get Kye in the bed until 11:00! He had gone ALL DAY with no nap and stayed up over 3 hours past his normal bedtime that night. We had to check out and…
View PostI STILL cannot believe we park hopped like we did! I know for many people doing something spontaneous is the norm…but I, legit, can’t remember the last time I did something spontaneous. The craziest thing…
View PostSo we are on the cheap, cheap, cheaper than cheap kind life style now…and we’re rockin’ it! For lunch at Disney we packed our own food from home. Zach made himself some sausage balls and…
View PostLast September when we visited Disney Kye was REALLY into the Pirates. I mean he’s always loved the ride but on that trip we were all making pirate faces and singing “yo ho” like nobody’s…
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